You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.3. Sales - Invoice Creation > Converting a Backorder to Invoice

Converting Backorders to Invoices

When you create an invoice or picking slip in Micronet, you have the option to save the entire order as a backorder if all the items are out of stock, or to save only the out of stock items as a backorder. Micronet also automatically saves out of stock items as backorders during order processing.

Use the following procedures to recall those backorders and convert them to invoices.



You can produce a report of backorders (refer to "Sales Desk Reports - Backorders by Debtor" for more information).


Micronet displays the Invoice Creation screen.

  1. In the Debtors Number field, enter or select the ID of the debtor you are creating the order for.

Micronet displays the Invoice Header.

  1. Select PROCEED or press F2 to redisplay the Invoice Creation screen.

If there are backorders for the debtor, the BACKORDERS menu option becomes active.

  1. Select BACKORDERS.

Micronet displays the Select Back Order to Link To screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Copy Order Header Details

Check this box if you want to copy the order header details to the new invoice. Leave it blank if you want to enter new order header details. If you check this box, Micronet copies the order number to the invoice as a line above the item lines.


[dropdown box]

Select whether and how order and backorder numbers are taken from the backorder and displayed on the invoice. Options are:

  • Show Order No in Text - displays the order number only as a header line
  • Show Backorder No in Text - displays the backorder number only as a header line
  • Show Both in Text - displays both the order number and backorder number as header line
  • Don't Show any Text - does not create a header line.
  1. If you want to:


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

If required, you can select the Inquiry button to print or display a backorder inquiry – see "Orders - Backorder" for more information.